The Red's beat the A's
Derek won his first baseball game 8 or 9 to 5. It was freezzzzing again...cold wind...loads of bankets...m&m's...people...yeah. Anyways Derek got to pitch 3 innings and he's the best pitcher in his league(I'm pretty sure). He can pitch 68mph on a good day, that's fast!
Swweeet! Good Game!
I'm # 1 comment again!! =D
Pretty totally awesome...Tell him congrats 4 me! Another freezing day huh? Poor you!:(
Ok I did. yea it was freezing again, maybe you should do sometime. =)
Sure anytime you want me to come to one of his games...I will! I wanna be freezing too...Not really!
Sure anytime, we need to set a date....yeah.
Oh yah!:)
Thank You every one!
sure guys my next game is march 27 at 5:30 tuesday
Hmmm...That would be pretty sweet if I could go!:) But I have basketball practice...:( Sorry...When's you next one?
Derek I thought I told you to stay off my blog.
Oh well...
Ya o well he's going be hurtin'.
i'm happy i won that game but i lost my game yesterday
Hey well atleast ya won!:) I luv winning!
i won my last game 9 to 8. IT was a great game. i had 2 homeruns.
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