Cupcakes oh yea.!.!
Turkey Cupcake
Critter Cupcakes
I Don't Know Cupcakes
I like the Critter Cupcakes they look so good!
Yummy Yummy!!
Pirate Cake
Turtle Cupcake Cake
Flip-Flop Cake
Purse Cake
These cakes are so cool and yummy!
Now it's my turn!!
1. Where were you when it turned 2006?At my house partying with my Friends!
2. How did you get the idea for our myspace name?Don't have one!
3. What song are you listening to right now?
I can't unlove you
4. Has the death of a celebrity ever made you cry?
Nope, At least i don't think so!
5. What color underwear are you wearing?Gross
6. Do you own a iPod?No but I Want to get one maybe!
7. What did you do this morning?Took a shower and went to school...nothing that exciting
8. What does your dad do for a living?
He's a butcher!
9. Where do you work?
At home!:(
10. What ended your last relationship?
Didn't have no relationship!
11. What are the last 2 digits in my phone number?49
12. What was the last song u listened to?
I can't unlove you!:)
13. Who was with you?
14. What was the last movie you watched?
Peter Pan *with real people*
15. What do you dislike at the moment?
Eggplant, Squash, Ugly things, and manda when she sounds like a goat with a diabetes problem!
16. What food do you crave right now?Gummie Bears and Worms! yummy:)
17. Did you dream last night?No i never dream it stinks!:(
18. What was the last TV show you watched?Hannah Montana
19. What is your favorite piece of jewelry?
My REAL jewelry set i got for my 13th b-day!
20.Name someone on your Top 8 who is like you? Manda or Adriana!
21. What was the last thing you ate?
Parfay from McDon's! delicious
22. Who is your best friend of the opposite sex?
Probably Plil, but i don't really have one!!!
21. Who last text messaged you?No one that i can remember.
22. Missing question
23. Missing question24. Are you on any medication?
25. What side of the bed do you sleep on?Right
26. What color shirt are you wearing? Green,pink,yellow, and white stripped
27. What color is your razor?
28. What is your favorite frozen treat?Hmm i don't really know, but maybe chocolate dipped cones!
29. How many piercings do you have?Two
30. What's your favourite store?Old Navy!
31. Are you thirsty right now?Yes very much!
32. Can you imagine yourself ever getting married?
Yea, totally my brothers say i won't, but they're probably WRONG!
33. Who's someone you haven't seen in a while and miss?
Plil and lots of my friend from Arlington Christian School! :*(
34. What did you do last night?
Stayed at home and watched TV 'cause i felt kinda sick.
35. Do you care what people think about you?Yea kinda!
36. Have you ever done something to instigate trouble?
That is most likly a yes!
37. Do you like your hair?
Not as much as i used to.
38. what is your fav shampoo?
39. When was the last time you went to the mall?
Last month.
40. What are your font colors on MSN?Huh!?!?
41. Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex?
Yea, but not in a bad way!
42. Where do you live?On another planet.
43. Are you an aggressive driver?Don't Know.Don't drive
44. Who is your cell phone carrier?
Don't have none!
45. Do you like the person who posted this last?I don't know who posted this last, but i pretty much like everybody. :)
46. Do you know their Birthday?
47. What is the thing that you would most like to change about you?
Alot of things!
48. What colour is your car?
I'll know when i get one, okay!
49. What do you smell like right now?
Probably like my vanilla spray!
50. What is your favorite colour?
51. Do you like mustard?
Yes, i like it alot.
52. What do you tell yourself when times get hard?
I don't know!
53. Would you ever sky dive?
no never ever!!!!
54. Do you sleep on your side, tummy or back or head?
Back and side.
55. What character from a movie most reminds you of yourself?
Beats me!
56. Have you ever bid for something on eBay?No never
57. What do you think of Angelina Jolie being pregnant?
Lame, gross, sick, And just don't CARE!
58. Do you enjoy giving hugs?
59. Would you consider yourself to be fashionable?
Maybe a little.
60. Do you own a digital camera?No
61. What celebrities have you been compared to?None that i knkow of!
62. Who is your favourite Star Wars character?
Hate starwars, but maybe Padme Amidala.
63. Does it annoy you when someone says they'll call but never do?
64. What books, if any, have made you cry?None
65. What are you allergic to?
66. Are you a jealous person?
In ways.
67. If you were born the opposite sex, what would your name be?Derek or Jason! I am so glad i am a girl!
I hope you enjoyed it!